Larsen-like osseous dysplasia-short stature syndrome

Larsen-like osseous dysplasia-short stature syndrome is a rare primary bone dysplasia characterized by a Larsen-like phenotype including multiple, congenital, large joint dislocations, craniofacial abnormalities (i.e. macrocephaly, flat occiput, prominent forehead, hypertelorism, low-set, malformed ears, flat nose, cleft palate), spinal abnormalities, cylindrical fingers, and talipes equinovarus, as well as growth retardation (resulting in short stature) and delayed bone age. Other reported clinical manifestations include severe developmental delay, hypotonia, clinodactyly, congenital heart defect and renal dysplasia.

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Matched Phenotype  Gene  Mutation  MeSH

Phenotype(s) retrieved from Orphanet

    Total: 21

HPO ID Term Frequency
HP:0000944 Abnormality of the metaphysis Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0001156 Brachydactyly Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0001163 Abnormality of the metacarpal bones Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0001385 Hip dysplasia Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0002644 Abnormality of pelvic girdle bone morphology Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0002650 Scoliosis Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0002652 Skeletal dysplasia Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0003312 Abnormal form of the vertebral bodies Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0004209 Clinodactyly of the 5th finger Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0004322 Short stature Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0004349 Reduced bone mineral density Very frequent (99-80%)
HP:0000520 Proptosis Frequent (79-30%)
HP:0001511 Intrauterine growth retardation Frequent (79-30%)
HP:0000160 Narrow mouth Occasional (29-5%)
HP:0000233 Thin vermilion border Occasional (29-5%)
HP:0000368 Low-set, posteriorly rotated ears Occasional (29-5%)
HP:0000486 Strabismus Occasional (29-5%)
HP:0001263 Global developmental delay Occasional (29-5%)
HP:0001671 Abnormal cardiac septum morphology Occasional (29-5%)
HP:0003196 Short nose Occasional (29-5%)
HP:0007957 Corneal opacity Occasional (29-5%)

Phenotype(s) retrieved from case reports

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Causative gene(s) retrieved from Orphanet

    Total: 0

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