Atresia of urethra

Aa rare congenital bladder outlet obstruction, a fetal lower urinary tract obstruction (fetal LUTO), that is usually fatal. Unless there is some other egress for the urine to escape the bladder, such as patent urachus or anuro-rectal communication, these lesions are not compatible with renal development.

Neurogenic bladder

A type of bladder dysfunction caused by neurologic damage. Neurogenic bladder can be flaccid or spastic. Common manifestatios of neurogenic bladder are overflow incontinence, frequency, urgency, urge incontinence, and retention.

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[Congenital megacystis in a female fetus. Case report].
Beretta F, Piro E, Fedeli T, Abati L, Cremaschini G, D'Alessio A.
Pediatr Med Chir. 2005;27(3-4):112-6.
At prenatal counselling the diagnostic hypothesis formulated were obstructive uropathy (cloacal malformation, uro-genital sinus, urethral atresia), functional alteration (neurogenic bladder, primitive myopathies) or Prune Belly Syndrome (rare in females).