Atresia of urethra

Aa rare congenital bladder outlet obstruction, a fetal lower urinary tract obstruction (fetal LUTO), that is usually fatal. Unless there is some other egress for the urine to escape the bladder, such as patent urachus or anuro-rectal communication, these lesions are not compatible with renal development.

Abnormality of the bladder

An abnormality of the urinary bladder.

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MIXED_SAMPLE Infant, Newborn
Vertebral hypersegmentation in a case of the VATER association.
Wulfsberg EA, Phillips-Dawkins TL, Thomas RL.
Am J Med Genet. 1992;42(6):766-70.
We report on a 37-week gestation liveborn male with oligohydramnios deformations, tetralogy of Fallot, "H-type" tracheoesophageal fistula, duodenal atresia, imperforate anus, urethral atresia, undescended testes, absent right kidney with a small dysplastic left kidney, a "cloacal-like" abnormality of the bladder and distal bowel, and thoracic and lumbar vertebral hypersegmentation.