Budd-Chiari syndrome

Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS) is caused by obstruction of hepatic venous outflow involving either the hepatic veins or the terminal segment of the inferior vena cava.


Impaired ability to absorb one or more nutrients from the intestine.

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FEMALE Young Adult
Budd-Chiari syndrome in a young patient with celiac sprue: a case report.
Danalioglu A, Poturoglu S, Gungor Gulluoglu M, Demir K, Besisik F, Cakaloglu Y, Cevikbas U, Okten A.
Turk J Gastroenterol. 2003;14(4):262-5.
Results of investigation showed Budd-Chiari syndrome and malabsorption with endomysial antibodies and intestinal villous atrophy.
FEMALE Young Adult
Budd-Chiari syndrome in a young patient with celiac sprue: a case report.
Danalioglu A, Poturoglu S, Gungor Gulluoglu M, Demir K, Besisik F, Cakaloglu Y, Cevikbas U, Okten A.
Turk J Gastroenterol. 2003;14(4):262-5.
Celiac sprue must be remembered especially in the event of Budd-Chiari syndrome and malabsorption.