Budd-Chiari syndrome

Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS) is caused by obstruction of hepatic venous outflow involving either the hepatic veins or the terminal segment of the inferior vena cava.


Any cardiac rhythm other than the normal sinus rhythm. Such a rhythm may be either of sinus or ectopic origin and either regular or irregular. An arrhythmia may be due to a disturbance in impulse formation or conduction or both.

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Primary Renal Rhabdomyosarcoma in an Adolescent With Tumor Thrombosis in the Inferior Vena Cava and Right Atrium: A Case Report and Review of the Literature.
Lin WC, Chen JH, Westphalen A, Chang H, Chiang IP, Chen CH, Wu HC, Lin CH.
Medicine (Baltimore). 2016;95(21):e3771.
A pleomorphic-type renal RMS with Budd-Chiari syndrome and arrhythmia induced by IVC and RA thrombosis was diagnosed.