Budd-Chiari syndrome

Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS) is caused by obstruction of hepatic venous outflow involving either the hepatic veins or the terminal segment of the inferior vena cava.

Renovascular hypertension

The presence of hypertension related to stenosis of the renal artery.

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MALE Middle Aged
Primary leiomyosarcoma of the inferior vena cava: a case report and review of the literature.
Griffin AS, Sterchi JM.
J Surg Oncol. 1987;34(1):53-60.
IVC leiomyosarcomas arising below the renal vein cause pain in the right-lower quadrant, back, and flank, and varying degrees of lower extremity edema; those arising in the middle caval segment cause right-upper-quadrant pain and sometimes renovascular hypertension; those arising above the hepatic vein cause varying manifestations of the Budd-Chiari syndrome.