Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita

Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita (CMTC) is a congenital localized or generalized vascular anomaly characterized by a persistent cutis marmorata pattern with a marbled bluish to deep purple appearance, spider nevus-like telangiectasia, phlebectasia and, occasionally, ulceration and atrophy of the affected skin.


Redness of the skin, caused by hyperemia of the capillaries in the lower layers of the skin.

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MIXED_SAMPLE Infant, Newborn
Cutis Marmorata Telangiectatica Congenita: Clinical Features in 7 Cases.
Wirotpaisankul P, Wannaprasert T, Treesirichod A.
J Med Assoc Thai. 2016;99 Suppl 8:S227-S230.
Cutis marmorata telangiectatica congenita (CMTC) is a sporadic congenital vascular anomaly usually presents at birth as a localized or generalized reticulated, erythema and telangiectasia.