Dermatitis herpetiformis

A chronic autoimmune subepidermal bullous disease characterized by grouped pruritic lesions such as papules, urticarial plaques, erythema, and herpetiform vesiculae, with a predominantly symmetrical distribution on extensor surfaces of the elbows (90%), knees (30%), shoulders, buttocks, sacral region, and face of children and adults. Erosions, excoriations and hyperpigmentation usually follow. It may also appear as a consequence of gluten intolerance.


Inflammation of any part of the lung parenchyma.

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A lethal case of the dapsone hypersensitivity syndrome involving the myocardium.
Hoogeveen RM, van der Bom T, de Boer HH, Thurlings RM, Wind BS, de Vries HJ, van Lent AU, Beuers U, van der Wal AC, Nellen FJ.
Neth J Med. 2016;74(2):89-92.
In the Netherlands dapsone is used for the treatment of dermatitis herpetiformis, leprosy and Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia and prophylaxis in case of cotrimoxazole allergy.
Dapsone-induced pure red cell aplasia and cholestatic jaundice: A new experience for diagnosis and management.
Sawlani KK, Chaudhary SC, Singh J, Raja DC, Mishra S, Goel MM.
J Res Pharm Pract. 2016;5(3):215-8.
It is used in the treatment of leprosy, dermatitis herpetiformis, and prophylactically to prevent Pneumocystis pneumonia and toxoplasmosis in patients unable to tolerate trimethoprim with sulfamethoxazole.
MALE Middle Aged
Severe accidental dapsone overdose.
McGoldrick MD, Bailie GR.
Am J Emerg Med. 1995;13(4):414-5.
However, with the increasing use of dapsone for diseases other than leprosy and dermatitis herpetiformis, such as acne vulgaris, psoriasis, and Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia infection in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, clinicians should be aware of potential toxicities.