Dermatitis herpetiformis

A chronic autoimmune subepidermal bullous disease characterized by grouped pruritic lesions such as papules, urticarial plaques, erythema, and herpetiform vesiculae, with a predominantly symmetrical distribution on extensor surfaces of the elbows (90%), knees (30%), shoulders, buttocks, sacral region, and face of children and adults. Erosions, excoriations and hyperpigmentation usually follow. It may also appear as a consequence of gluten intolerance.


A malignant tumor arising from epithelial cells. Carcinomas that arise from glandular epithelium are called adenocarcinomas, those that arise from squamous epithelium are called squamous cell carcinomas, and those that arise from transitional epithelium are called transitional cell carcinomas (NCI Thesaurus).

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Untreated celiac disease in a patient with dermatitis herpetiformis leading to a small bowel carcinoma.
Derikx MH, Bisseling TM.
Case Rep Gastroenterol. 2012;6(1):20-5.
Untreated celiac disease in a patient with dermatitis herpetiformis leading to a small bowel carcinoma.
IgA bullous pemphigoid: a distinct blistering disorder. Case report and review of the literature.
Jones RR, Goolamali SK.
Br J Dermatol. 1980;102(6):719-25.
We report a patient with an eccrine carcinoma who developed localized blistering which clinically resembled pemphigoid, histologically showed subepidermal blistering with features of both dermatitis herpetiformis and bullous pemphigoid, responded to dapsone and exhibited linear IgA deposition on direct immunofluorescence.