Diencephalic syndrome

Diencephalic syndrome (DS) is a rare condition characterized by profound emaciation and failure to thrive (with normal caloric intake and normal linear growth), hyperalertness, hyperkinesia and euphoria, in the presence of hypothalamic tumors.

Weight loss

Reduction inexisting body weight.

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[A rare case of diencephalic cachexia in an adult female with cranio-pharyngioma].
Klochkova IS, Astaf'eva LI, Konovalov AN, Kadashev BA, Kalinin PL, Sharipov OI, Kutin MA, Sidneva YG, Shishkina LV, Pronin IN.
Zh Vopr Neirokhir Im N N Burdenko. 2017;81(5):84-95.
Diencephalic cachexia (D1057) is progressive weight loss despite a normal caloric intake and a satisfactory state of health, which is caused by hypothalamic lesions.
Intermediate pilomyxoid astrocytoma and diencephalic syndrome: imaging findings.
Nakamura OK, Pinho Mda C, Odone Filho V, Rosemberg S.
Einstein (Sao Paulo). 2012;10(2):236-8.
Due to its topography, it may present developmental delay in childhood and diencephalic syndrome, characterized by extreme weight loss, lack of fat accumulation, hyperactivity, euphoria and alertness.
Increased energy expenditure in a patient with diencephalic syndrome.
Vlachopapadopoulou E, Tracey KJ, Capella M, Gilker C, Matthews DE.
J Pediatr. 1993;122(6):922-4.
This result suggests that the weight loss and cachexia of the diencephalic syndrome are the result of abnormally increased energy expenditure.