Diencephalic syndrome

Diencephalic syndrome (DS) is a rare condition characterized by profound emaciation and failure to thrive (with normal caloric intake and normal linear growth), hyperalertness, hyperkinesia and euphoria, in the presence of hypothalamic tumors.


Impaired ability to absorb one or more nutrients from the intestine.

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[Russell's syndrome: a case of long-term survival and review of the literature].
Amoroso L, Cacchione A, Valentini D, Foco M, Gonfiantini M, Cappelli C, Ceccarelli G.
Clin Ter. 2004;155(6):255-8.
After the negative response of blood and laboratory examinations let us exclude a malabsorption syndrome, only the performance of neuro-radiologic exams showed evidence of a subthalamic tumor as the cause of a "Diencephalic syndrome".
MALE Infant
[Diencephalic syndrome. Case report and review of literature].
Baracchini A, Chiaravalloti G, Del Pistoia M, Ceccarelli M.
Minerva Pediatr. 1993;45(10):407-10.
After the negative response of blood and laboratory examinations let us exclude a malabsorption syndrome, only the performance of neuro-radiologic exams showed evidence of a subthalamic tumor as the cause of a "Diencephalic syndrome".