Infundibulopelvic stenosis-multicystic kidney syndrome

Infundibulopelvic stenosis-multicystic kidney syndrome is a rare, genetic renal malformation syndrome characterized by variable degrees of malformation in the pelvicalyceal system (including unilateral or bilateral calyceal dilatation, infundibular stenosis, hypoplasia or stenosis of the renal pelvis) which lead to multicystic kidney. Clinically it exhibits abdominal, lumbar or flank pain, recurrent urinary tract infections, hypertension, proteinuria and often progresses to renal insufficiency. Calyceal dilatation and hydronephrosis are frequently seen on imaging.

Multicystic kidney dysplasia

Multicystic dysplasia of the kidney is characterized by multiple cysts of varying size in the kidney and the absence of a normal pelvicaliceal system. The condition is associated with ureteral or ureteropelvic atresia, and the affected kidney is nonfunctional.

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