Eosinophilic gastroenteritis

A rare benign gastrointestinal disease characterized by the presence of abnormal and nonspecific gastro-intestinal (GI) manifestations, associated with an eosinophilic infiltration of the GI tract, which can affect several segments and involve several layers within the GI wall.


A malignant tumor arising from epithelial cells. Carcinomas that arise from glandular epithelium are called adenocarcinomas, those that arise from squamous epithelium are called squamous cell carcinomas, and those that arise from transitional epithelium are called transitional cell carcinomas (NCI Thesaurus).

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MALE Adult
Eosinophilic gastroenteritis in a patient with large-cell anaplastic lung carcinoma: a paraneoplastic syndrome?
Stefanini GF, Addolorato G, Marsigli L, Foschi FG, D'Errico A, Scarani P, Bonvicini F, Bernardi M, Gasbarrini G.
Ital J Gastroenterol. 1994;26(7):354-6.
Eosinophilic gastroenteritis in a patient with large-cell anaplastic lung carcinoma: a paraneoplastic syndrome?