
Histidinemia is a rare metabolic disorder characterized by elevated histidine levels in blood, urine, and cerebrospinal fluid, generally with no clinical repercussions.


Seizures are an intermittent abnormality of the central nervous system due to a sudden, excessive, disorderly discharge of cerebral neurons and characterized clinically by some combination of disturbance of sensation, loss of consciousness, impairment of psychic function, or convulsive movements. The term epilepsy is used to describe chronic, recurrent seizures.

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MALE Infant
Histidinemia. A case with resolution of myoclonic seizures after treatment with a low-histidine diet.
Dyme IZ, Horwitz SJ, Bacchus B, Kerr DS.
Am J Dis Child. 1983;137(3):256-8.
An infant with histidinemia had a myoclonic seizure disorder that was unresponsive to therapy with anticonvulsants.
Renal Histidinuria.
Kamoun PP, Parvy P, Cathelineau L, Meyer B.
J Inherit Metab Dis. 1981;4(4):217-9.
This patient had myoclonic seizures like another patient previously reported with histidinuria.