Sickle cell anemia

Sickle cell anemias are chronic hemolytic diseases that may induce three types of acute accidents: severe anemia, severe bacterial infections, and ischemic vasoocclusive accidents (VOA) caused by sickle-shaped red blood cells obstructing small blood vessels and capillaries. Many diverse complications can occur.

Splenic rupture

A breach of the capsule of the spleen.

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MALE Adult
Acute splenic rupture in an adult with homozygous sickle cell anemia treated with chronic transfusions.
Shoemaker MT, Pitney AC, Harford DJ, Barker JA.
J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2004;26(12):849-51.
The authors describe a 19-year-old patient with homozygous sickle cell disease who experienced an acute splenic rupture crisis requiring emergent splenectomy.
MALE Adult
Acute splenic rupture in an adult with homozygous sickle cell anemia treated with chronic transfusions.
Shoemaker MT, Pitney AC, Harford DJ, Barker JA.
J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2004;26(12):849-51.
Acute splenic rupture in an adult with homozygous sickle cell anemia treated with chronic transfusions.