Sickle cell anemia

Sickle cell anemias are chronic hemolytic diseases that may induce three types of acute accidents: severe anemia, severe bacterial infections, and ischemic vasoocclusive accidents (VOA) caused by sickle-shaped red blood cells obstructing small blood vessels and capillaries. Many diverse complications can occur.

Perirenal hematoma

A collection of clotted blood surrounding the kidney.

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Ketorolac-induced irreversible renal failure in sickle cell disease: a case report.
Simckes AM, Chen SS, Osorio AV, Garola RE, Woods GM.
Pediatr Nephrol. 1999;13(1):63-7.
We present a case of a 17-year-old sickle cell disease patient with an acute painful episode and normal renal function indices who subsequently developed irreversible renal failure and a perirenal hematoma following the administration of ketorolac, despite adequate hydration.