Nager syndrome

A congenital malformation syndrome characterized by mandibulofacial dystosis (malar hypoplasia, micrognathia, external ear malformations) and variable preaxial limb defects.

Velopharyngeal insufficiency

Inability of velopharyngeal sphincter to sufficiently separate the nasal cavity from the oral cavity during speech.

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MALE Child
Management of soft palate agenesis in Nager syndrome with an elongated, superiorly based pharyngeal flap.
Arosarena OA, Hemme T.
Ear Nose Throat J. 2014;93(10-11):E1-5.
In this report we describe the use of an elongated, superiorly based pharyngeal flap for the treatment of severe velopharyngeal insufficiency in a patient with Nager syndrome and absence of the soft palate.