
A rare, mostly benign, primary tumor of the meninges (arachnoid cap cells), usually located in the supratentorial compartment, commonly appearing in the sixth and seventh decade of life, clinically silent in most cases or causing hyperostosis close to the tumor and resulting in focal bulging and localized pain in less than 10% of cases. Additional features may include headache, seizures, gradual personality changes (apathy and dementia), anosmia, impaired vision, exophthalmos, hearing loss, ataxia, dysmetria, hypotonia, nystagmus, and rarely spontaneous bleeding.


Difficulty in swallowing.

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Motion-related vascular abnormalities at the craniocervical junction: illustrative case series and literature review.
Ravindra VM, Neil JA, Mazur MD, Park MS, Couldwell WT, Taussky P.
Neurosurg Focus. 2015;38(4):E6.
The patient in Case 2 was a 53-year-old woman who underwent elective resection of a right temporal meningioma and who experienced postoperative drowsiness, dysphagia, and mild right-arm ataxia.
Unilateral vocal cord palsy and dysphagia: an unusual presentation of cerebellopontine angle meningioma.
Senior A, Douglas JA, Thompson S.
J Surg Case Rep. 2015;2015(10):.
Unilateral vocal cord palsy and dysphagia: an unusual presentation of cerebellopontine angle meningioma.
MALE Middle Aged
Hypoglossal nerve tumor: A rare primary extracranial meningioma of the neck.
Zulkiflee AB, Prepageran N, Rahmat O, Jayalaskhmi P, Sharizal T.
Ear Nose Throat J. 2012;91(11):E26-9.
We report a case of primary extracranial meningioma arising from the hypoglossal nerve in a 54-year-old man who presented with a 9-month history of hoarseness and progressive dysphagia.
FEMALE Middle Aged
Foramen magnum meningioma: Dysphagia of atypical etiology.
Tsao GJ, Tsang MW, Mobley BC, Cheng WW.
J Gen Intern Med. 2008;23(2):206-9.
We present a case of a foramen magnum meningioma that highlights the importance of the neurologic exam when evaluating a patient with dysphagia.
FEMALE Middle Aged
Foramen magnum meningioma: Dysphagia of atypical etiology.
Tsao GJ, Tsang MW, Mobley BC, Cheng WW.
J Gen Intern Med. 2008;23(2):206-9.
Foramen magnum meningioma: Dysphagia of atypical etiology.
FEMALE Middle Aged
Extracranial meningioma.
Michel RG, Woodard BH.
Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 1979;88(3 Pt 1):407-12.
A calcified fibrous meningioma, with secondary psammomatous features, presented as a left neck mass associated with hoarseness, dysphagia, a unilateral facial weakness and hearing loss.