
A rare, mostly benign, primary tumor of the meninges (arachnoid cap cells), usually located in the supratentorial compartment, commonly appearing in the sixth and seventh decade of life, clinically silent in most cases or causing hyperostosis close to the tumor and resulting in focal bulging and localized pain in less than 10% of cases. Additional features may include headache, seizures, gradual personality changes (apathy and dementia), anosmia, impaired vision, exophthalmos, hearing loss, ataxia, dysmetria, hypotonia, nystagmus, and rarely spontaneous bleeding.

Spinal cord tumor

A neoplasm affecting the spinal cord.

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Extensive Cranial Nerves Involvement in Neurofibromatosis: A Rare Presentation.
Gupta A, Gupta C, Sachan M, Singh S.
J Pediatr Neurosci. 2018;13(1):74-77.
It is very rare to find tumors affect nearly all cranial nerves (namely 3rd-12th nerves), and their association with meningiomas and intramedullary spinal cord tumors in the same patient.
Metaplastic Meningioma Overspreading the Cerebral Convexity.
Choi YH, Choi CY, Lee CH, Koo HW, Chang SH.
Brain Tumor Res Treat. 2018;6(2):97-100.
Meningioma is relatively common, benign, and extra-axial tumor accounting for about 20% of primary brain and spinal cord tumors.
Surgically Treated Primary Spinal Cord Neoplasms in Southeastern Nigeria.
Chikani MC, Okwunodulu O, Mesi M, Mezue WC, Ohaegbulam SC, Ndubuisi CC.
J Neurosci Rural Pract. 2018;9(1):137-139.
Meningioma is the most common surgically treated primary spinal cord tumor in our setting.
Astounding recovery after resection of an intradural nerve sheath tumor in an adult male from Vietnam.
King P, Khan S, Inamullah O.
Surg Neurol Int. 2015;6:145.
The differential diagnosis of spinal cord tumors includes meningiomas, astrocytomas, ependymomas, metastasis, nerve sheath tumors such as schwannomas or neurofibromas, and multiple sclerosis plaques.
Intradural intramedullary spinal cord meningioma in a seven years old female child.
Hafiz MG, Rahman MR, Yeamin MB.
Mymensingh Med J. 2013;22(1):180-5.
So, an awareness of varied clinical manifestation of atypical meningioma of intrdural-intramedullary spinal cord tumor should be suspected to establish a correct diagnosis when the presenting signs and symptoms are enigmatic, presenting with intractable burning sensation or pain in the neck and investigation should be done accordingly.
MALE Infant
Neurofibromatosis type 2 with multiple primary brain tumors in monozygotic twins.
Harada H, Kumon Y, Hatta N, Sakaki S, Ohta S.
Surg Neurol. 1999;51(5):528-35.
Radiological examinations revealed, at one time or another, bilateral vestibular schwannomas, a foramen magnum meningioma, five supratentorial meningiomas, and multiple spinal cord tumors.
MALE Infant
Neurofibromatosis type 2 with multiple primary brain tumors in monozygotic twins.
Harada H, Kumon Y, Hatta N, Sakaki S, Ohta S.
Surg Neurol. 1999;51(5):528-35.
Radiological examinations revealed, at one time or another, bilateral vestibular schwannomas, a foramen magnum meningioma, five supratentorial meningiomas, and multiple spinal cord tumors.
Intraspinal meningiomas: review of 54 cases with discussion of poor prognosis factors and modern therapeutic management.
Roux FX, Nataf F, Pinaudeau M, Borne G, Devaux B, Meder JF.
Surg Neurol. 1996;46(5):458-63; discussion 463-4.
Intraspinal meningiomas account for 25%-46% of primary spinal cord tumors.
Relationship between the anatomic and dermatomal levels of spinal cord tumors in the thoracic region.
Hirabayashi S, Kumano K, Ohnishi I, Hoshino Y, Nakamura K, Kurokawa T.
J Spinal Disord. 1995;8(2):93-102.
We examined the relationship between the highest dermatomic level of sensory disturbance and the anatomic level, axial location, and type of spinal cord tumors in the thoracic region in 19 patients (8 men and 11 women aged 27-78 years; 11 neurinomas, 7 meningiomas, 1 neurofibroma).