
A rare, mostly benign, primary tumor of the meninges (arachnoid cap cells), usually located in the supratentorial compartment, commonly appearing in the sixth and seventh decade of life, clinically silent in most cases or causing hyperostosis close to the tumor and resulting in focal bulging and localized pain in less than 10% of cases. Additional features may include headache, seizures, gradual personality changes (apathy and dementia), anosmia, impaired vision, exophthalmos, hearing loss, ataxia, dysmetria, hypotonia, nystagmus, and rarely spontaneous bleeding.

Cortical cataract

A cataract which affects the layer of the lens surrounding the nucleus, i.e., the lens cortex. It is identified by its unique wedge or spoke appearance.

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Astrocytic hamartoma of the optic disc and multiple cafe-au-lait macules in a child with neurofibromatosis type 2.
Sachdeva R, Rothner DA, Traboulsi EI, Hayden BC, Rychwalski PJ.
Ophthalmic Genet. 2010;31(4):209-14.
In addition to other tumors involving the central and peripheral nervous systems, ophthalmic manifestations, including posterior subcapsular and peripheral cortical cataracts, optic nerve meningiomas, epiretinal membrane, and combined pigment epithelial and retinal hamartomas, are common to NF2.