Lichen planus pigmentosus

Lichen planus (LP) pigmentosus is a rare variant of cutaneous lichen planus (see this term) characterized by the presence of hyperpigmented lichenoid lesions in sun-exposed or flexural areas of the body.


Hypergranulosis is an increased thickness of the stratum granulosum.

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Diltiazem-associated photodistributed hyperpigmentation: report of two Japanese cases and published work review.
Kubo Y, Fukumoto D, Ishigami T, Hida Y, Arase S.
J Dermatol. 2010;37(9):807-11.
Although the clinical and histological features were similar to those of lichen planus pigmentosus, the histological features did not show either compact hyperkeratosis or wedge-shaped hypergranulosis, which are typical histological features of lichen planus.