Lichen planus pigmentosus

Lichen planus (LP) pigmentosus is a rare variant of cutaneous lichen planus (see this term) characterized by the presence of hyperpigmented lichenoid lesions in sun-exposed or flexural areas of the body.

Civatte bodies

Eosinophilic hyaline ovoid bodies which are often found in the subepidermal papillary regions or sometimes in the epidermis. Civatte bodies (CBs) are seen as rounded, homogenous, eosinophilic masses on routine H and E staining lying in the deeper parts of epidermis/epithelium and more frequently in dermis/connective tissue. They are known as CBs (in epithelium/epidermis), colloid bodies, or hyaline bodies (in connective tissue). They are 10-25 micrometers in diameter and situated mostly within or above the inflammatory cell infiltrate. In lichen planus, the number of necrotic keratinocytes may be so large that they are seen lying in clusters in the uppermost dermis. These bodies show a positive periodic acid Schiff reaction and are diastase resistant

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