Isolated cytochrome C oxidase deficiency

Renal tubular dysfunction

Abnormal function of the renal tubule. The basic functional unit of the kidney, the nephron, consists of a renal corpuscle attached to a renal tubule, with roughly 0.8 to 1.5 nephrons per adult kidney. The functions of the renal tubule include reabsorption of water, electrolytes, glucose, and amino acids and secretion of substances such as uric acid.

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COX10 mutations resulting in complex multisystem mitochondrial disease that remains stable into adulthood.
Pitceathly RD, Taanman JW, Rahman S, Meunier B, Sadowski M, Cirak S, Hargreaves I, Land JM, Nanji T, Polke JM, Woodward CE, Sweeney MG, Solanki S, Foley AR, Hurles ME, Stalker J, Blake J, Holton JL, Phadke R, Muntoni F, Reilly MM, Hanna MG.
JAMA Neurol. 2013;70(12):1556-61.
We describe an adult patient with isolated COX deficiency associated with a relatively mild clinical phenotype comprising myopathy; demyelinating neuropathy; premature ovarian failure; short stature; hearing loss; pigmentary maculopathy; and renal tubular dysfunction.