Trisomy 20p

Trisomy 20p is a chromosomal disorder resulting from duplication of all or part of the short arm of chromosome 20. It is mostly characterized by normal growth, mild to moderate intellectual disability, speech delay, poor coordination and evocative facial features.


Osteopenia is a term to define bone density that is not normal but also not as low as osteoporosis. By definition from the World Health Organization osteopenia is defined by bone densitometry as a T score -1 to -2.5.

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Mosaic tetrasomy 20p associated with osteoporosis and recurrent fractures.
Maziad AS, Seaver LH.
Am J Med Genet A. 2015;167(7):1582-6.
This report describes the phenotype and evaluation of mosaic pure tetrasomy 20p syndrome and compares to nonmosaic tetrasomy 20p and trisomy 20p syndromes, both of which have been previously reported in association with osteopenia and fractures.