Congenital rubella syndrome

Congenital rubella syndrome (CRS) is an infectious embryofetopathy that may present in an infant as a result of maternal infection and subsequent fetal infection with rubella virus. CRS can lead to deafness, cataract, and variety of other permanent manifestations including cardiac and neurological defects.


A compact, organized collection of mature mononuclear phagocytes, which may be but is not necessarily accompanied by accessory features such as necrosis.

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Inhibition of rubella virus replication by the broad-spectrum drug nitazoxanide in cell culture and in a patient with a primary immune deficiency.
Perelygina L, Hautala T, Seppanen M, Adebayo A, Sullivan KE, Icenogle J.
Antiviral Res. 2017;147:58-66.
Persistent rubella virus (RV) infection has been associated with various pathologies such as congenital rubella syndrome, Fuchs's uveitis, and cutaneous granulomas in patients with primary immune deficiencies (PID).