Congenital pulmonary valve stenosis

Congenital pulmonary stenosis (PS) is a congenital heart malformation (see this term) that is characterized by a right ventricular outflow obstruction with a clinical presentation that may vary from critical stenosis presenting in the neonatal period to asymptomatic mild stenosis. The obstruction in PS can be at the valvular, subpulmonary, or supravalvular levels (valvular, subpulmonary, supravalvular PS; see these terms).


Seizures are an intermittent abnormality of the central nervous system due to a sudden, excessive, disorderly discharge of cerebral neurons and characterized clinically by some combination of disturbance of sensation, loss of consciousness, impairment of psychic function, or convulsive movements. The term epilepsy is used to describe chronic, recurrent seizures.

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MALE Infant
Seizures due to lidocaine toxicity in a child during cardiac catheterization.
Ryan CA, Robertson M, Coe JY.
Pediatr Cardiol. 1993;14(2):116-8.
A 17-month-old boy developed grand mal seizures secondary to lidocaine toxicity during balloon dilatation of a congenital pulmonary valve stenosis.