Kaposi sarcoma

A rare vascular tumor that is characterized by human herpes virus 8 (HHV-8)-induced endothelial inflammatory neoplasm that develops with various clinically distinct settings, manifesting mostly as cutaneous lesions, or mucosal or visceral involvement.

Molluscum contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum is a cutaneous viral infection that is commonly observed in both healthy and immunocompromised children. The infection is caused by a member of the Poxviridae family, the molluscum contagiosum virus. Molluscum contagiosum presents as single or multiple small white or flesh-colored papules that typically have a central umbilication. The central umbilication may be difficult to observe in young children and, instead, may bear an appearance similar to an acneiform eruption. The lesions vary in size (from 1 mm to 1 cm in diameter) and are painless, although a subset of patients report pruritus in the area of infection. On average, 11-20 papules appear on the body during the course of infection and generally remains a self-limiting disease. However, in immunosuppressed patients, molluscum contagiosum can be a severe infection with hundreds of lesions developing on the body. Extensive eruption is indicative of an advanced immunodeficiency state.

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Coexistence of Kaposi sarcoma and Molluscum contagiosum on the same site in a HIV-AIDS patient: A very rare occurrence.
Abdullahi K, Mohammed Y, Sahabi SA, Dalhat MM.
Afr J Lab Med. 2019;8(1):747.
A 37-year-old man poorly adherent to antiretroviral therapy presented with Molluscum contagiosum and Kaposi sarcoma occurring simultaneously on numerous skin lesions around mid-2017 at Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital, Sokoto State, Nigeria.
Coexistence of Kaposi sarcoma and Molluscum contagiosum on the same site in a HIV-AIDS patient: A very rare occurrence.
Abdullahi K, Mohammed Y, Sahabi SA, Dalhat MM.
Afr J Lab Med. 2019;8(1):747.
However, coexistence of Kaposi sarcoma and Molluscum contagiosum on the same site is a rare finding.
Disseminated crytococcosis with extensive cutaneous involvement in AIDS.
Dharmshale SN, Patil SA, Gohil A, Chowdhary A, Oberoi C.
Indian J Med Microbiol. 2006;24(3):228-30.
She presented with multiple skin coloured umbilicated over face, neck, trunk and limbs, which mimicked molluscum contagiosum and kaposi sarcoma.