Truncus arteriosus

Truncus arteriosus (TA) is a rare congenital cardiovascular anomaly characterized by a single arterial trunk arising from the heart by means of a single semilunar valve (<I>i.e.</I> truncal valve). Pulmonary arteries originate from the common arterial trunk distal to the coronary arteries and proximal to the first brachiocephalic branch of the aortic arch. TA typically overrides a large outlet ventricular septal defect (VSD). The intracardiac anatomy usually displays situs solitus and atrioventricular (AV) concordance.

Persistent left superior vena cava

A rare congenital vascular anomaly that results when the left superior cardinal vein caudal to the innominate vein fails to regress.

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Truncus arteriosus with persistent left superior vena cava: cardiac computed tomography findings in an unrepaired adult patient.
Genc B, Okur FF, Tavl V, Solak A.
J Clin Imaging Sci. 2013;3:47.
Truncus arteriosus with persistent left superior vena cava: cardiac computed tomography findings in an unrepaired adult patient.
Prenatal detection of truncus arteriosus by ultrasound.
de Araujo LM, Schmidt KG, Silverman NH, Finkbeiner WE.
Pediatr Cardiol. 1987;8(4):261-3.
This report describes the echocardiographic findings of truncus arteriosus, right aortic arch, and persistent left superior vena cava draining into the coronary sinus in a 32-week-old fetus, in whom the diagnosis was confirmed by autopsy.