Truncus arteriosus

Truncus arteriosus (TA) is a rare congenital cardiovascular anomaly characterized by a single arterial trunk arising from the heart by means of a single semilunar valve (<I>i.e.</I> truncal valve). Pulmonary arteries originate from the common arterial trunk distal to the coronary arteries and proximal to the first brachiocephalic branch of the aortic arch. TA typically overrides a large outlet ventricular septal defect (VSD). The intracardiac anatomy usually displays situs solitus and atrioventricular (AV) concordance.

Venous malformation

A vascular malformation resulting from a developmental error of venous tissue composed of dysmorphic channels lined by flattened endothelium and exhibiting slow turnover. A venous malformation may present as a blue patch on the skin ranging to a soft blue mass. Venous malformations are easily compressible and usually swell in thewhen venous pressure increases (e.g., when held in a dependent position or when a child cries). They may be relatively localized or quite extensive within an anatomic region.

合計: 1


FEMALE Infant, Newborn
Hyperammonemia and neonatal cardiac failure.
Adamovic T, Jouvet P, Vobecky S, Garel L, Rougemont AL, Alvarez F.
Minerva Anestesiol. 2011;77(5):554-7.
We report a case of a 2470-g female infant born at the week 37 of gestation with complex congenital heart disease (truncus arteriosus type III, interrupted aortic arch and tricuspid valve insufficiency) and hemodynamically non-significant intrahepatic arterio-venous malformation.