West syndrome

A rare disorder characterized by the association of clusters of axial spasms, psychomotor retardation and an hypsarrhythmic interictal EEG pattern. It is the most frequent type of epileptic encephalopathy. It may occur in otherwise healthy infants and in those with abnormal cognitive development.


Undergrowth of the limbs that affects only one side.

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MALE Infant
Encephalocraniocutaneous lipomatosis (Fishman syndrome): a rare neurocutaneous syndrome.
Amor DJ, Kornberg AJ, Smith LJ.
J Paediatr Child Health. 2000;36(6):603-5.
Infantile spasms developed at 9 months of age and cerebral imaging showed thickened and calcified cortex at the right occiput and hemiatrophy of the right hemisphere.