Langerhans cell histiocytosis

Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a systemic disease associated with the proliferation and accumulation (usually in granulomas) of Langerhans cells in various tissues.


An abnormally low number of neutrophils in the peripheral blood.

合計: 4


Premature loss of primary teeth with gingival erythema: An alert to dentist.
Devi A, Narwal A, Bharti A, Kumar V.
J Oral Maxillofac Pathol. 2015;19(2):271.
The most common causes of premature tooth loss are Papillion-Lefevre syndrome, Chediak-Higashi syndrome, hypophosphatasia, neutropenia, leukemia and in some cases Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH).
Intravascular catheter-related bloodstream infection caused by Abiotrophia defectiva in a neutropenic child.
Phulpin-Weibel A, Gaspar N, Emirian A, Chachaty E, Valteau-Couanet D, Gachot B.
J Med Microbiol. 2013;62(Pt 5):789-91.
We report a rare case of long-term venous catheter-related infection caused by A. defectiva that occurred in a febrile child who had neutropenia and Langerhans' cell histiocytosis.
Case report: premature exfoliation of primary teeth in a 4-year-old child, a diagnostic dilemma.
Sharma G, Whatling R.
Eur Arch Paediatr Dent. 2011;12(6):312-7.
The commonest causes of premature tooth loss have been eliminated including Papillion-Lefevre syndrome, Chediak-Higashi syndrome, hypophosphatasia, Langerhans' cell histiocytosis, neutropenia and leukemia.
[Langerhans cell histiocytosis in a child with congenital neutropenia].
Janik-Moszant A, Tomaszewska R, Pobudejska A, Sonta-Jakimczyk D.
Wiad Lek. 2004;57(3-4):174-6.
[Langerhans cell histiocytosis in a child with congenital neutropenia].