Langerhans cell histiocytosis

Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a systemic disease associated with the proliferation and accumulation (usually in granulomas) of Langerhans cells in various tissues.

Ossifying fibroma

A benign central bone tumor composed of fibrous connective tissue within which bone is formed.

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Clinico-pathological conference 2002.
Odell EW, Aldred M, Carlos R, Curran A, Heikinheimo K, Hille J, Ho KH, Kratochvil FJ, Lau SH, Murrah V, Reichart P, Sood A, Tanaka Y, Tilakaratne WM, Yih WY.
Ann Acad Med Singapore. 2004;33(4 Suppl):53-8.
Case diagnoses included a large, possibly intraosseous, myofibroma presenting with an oral mass; Langerhans cell histiocytosis with facial skin lesions; an intraosseous vascular hamartoma of the maxilla with worrying radiological features; an unusual mixed radiolucency of the jaw caused by cemento-ossifying fibroma; an osteosarcoma of the posterior mandible causing a well-defined radiolucency and an intraoral squamous cell carcinoma in a child.