Cystic echinococcosis

Hydatidosis or cyst hydatic disease is a cosmopolitan larval cestodosis caused principally by the <i>Echinococcus granulosus</i> tapeworm, the adult form of which parasitises the intestine of dogs. Hydatidosis generally affects large domestic herbivores; humans are dead-end hosts, infected through contact with herding dogs or through ingestion of food contaminated with canine excrement.


The presence of blood in the urine. Hematuria may be gross hematuria (visible to the naked eye) or microscopic hematuria (detected by dipstick or microscopic examination of the urine).

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MALE Middle Aged
Isolated cystic echinococcosis of kidney burlesquing as renal cell carcinoma: a diagnostic pitfall.
Qadri S, Sherwani RK, Ahmed M.
Ann Parasitol. 2015;61(1):57-60.
We present a case of hydatid disease in a 45 year male patient who presented with the history of vague flank pain, mild fever and hematuria.