Cystic echinococcosis

Hydatidosis or cyst hydatic disease is a cosmopolitan larval cestodosis caused principally by the <i>Echinococcus granulosus</i> tapeworm, the adult form of which parasitises the intestine of dogs. Hydatidosis generally affects large domestic herbivores; humans are dead-end hosts, infected through contact with herding dogs or through ingestion of food contaminated with canine excrement.

Spinal cord compression

External mechanical compression of the spinal cord.

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A new surgical technique for the removal of extensive spinal epidural hydatid cyst.
Akhaddar A, Boucetta M.
Surg Neurol Int. 2018;9:96.
Extensive spinal epidural hydatidosis may contribute to extensive spinal cord compression.
Recurrence of chest wall hydatid cyst disease involving the thoracic spine in an Australian patient.
Mon ST, Li Y, Shepherd S, Daniel S, Poonnoose S, McDonald M.
J Clin Neurosci. 2016;30:132-136.
The cestode Echinococcus granulosus is the primary pathogen associated with hydatid disease and most patients present with signs and symptoms of spinal cord compression depending on the location of the spinal involvement.
Recurrence of chest wall hydatid cyst disease involving the thoracic spine in an Australian patient.
Mon ST, Li Y, Shepherd S, Daniel S, Poonnoose S, McDonald M.
J Clin Neurosci. 2016;30:132-136.
We present a rare case of recurrent hydatid disease with extensive hemithorax involvement, including the thoracic spine, associated with spinal cord compression.
Recurrence of chest wall hydatid cyst disease involving the thoracic spine in an Australian patient.
Mon ST, Li Y, Shepherd S, Daniel S, Poonnoose S, McDonald M.
J Clin Neurosci. 2016;30:132-136.
This case highlights the role of staged and minimally invasive spine surgery in spinal hydatid disease with spinal cord compression, the importance of ongoing medical treatment and long term follow-up.
Spinal cord compression due to a primary vertebral hydatid disease: A rare case report in metropolitan France and a literature review.
Gennari A, Almairac F, Litrico S, Albert C, Marty P, Paquis P.
Neurochirurgie. 2016;62(4):226-8.
Spinal cord compression due to a primary vertebral hydatid disease: A rare case report in metropolitan France and a literature review.
Spinal cord compression due to a primary vertebral hydatid disease: A rare case report in metropolitan France and a literature review.
Gennari A, Almairac F, Litrico S, Albert C, Marty P, Paquis P.
Neurochirurgie. 2016;62(4):226-8.
Spinal cord compression is a frequent presentation of spinal hydatidosis but neurological symptoms are various and non-specific.
Spinal cord compression due to a primary vertebral hydatid disease: A rare case report in metropolitan France and a literature review.
Gennari A, Almairac F, Litrico S, Albert C, Marty P, Paquis P.
Neurochirurgie. 2016;62(4):226-8.
We described a rare imported case in metropolitan France of spinal cord compression from a primary vertebral hydatidosis.
A rare case of recurrent primary spinal echinococcosis.
Ashraf A, Kirmani AR, Bhat AR, Sarmast AH.
Asian J Neurosurg. 2013;8(4):206-8.
Spinal hydatid disease, though rare, is one of the differential diagnosis of spinal cord compression syndrome especially in endemic areas.
MALE Child
A rare case of intradural spinal hydatid cyst in a paediatric patient.
Ahmad M, Ekramullah , Ahmad I, Ali SA.
JBR-BTR. 2012;95(2):87-8.
Spinal hydatid disease should be considered in the differential diagnosis of spinal cord compression syndrome in endemic countries and should be evaluated with imaging and serological investigations.
[Bone hydatidosis: report of five patients and review of the literature].
Tapia E O, Vidal T A, Bellolio J E, Roa S JC.
Rev Med Chil. 2010;138(11):1414-21.
A 21-year-old women presenting with weakness of the lower limbs and voiding problems; CAT scan showed a vertebral hydatidosis and spinal cord compression.
FEMALE Young Adult
Primary spinal extradural hydatid cyst causing paraplegia.
Jaiswal S, Jaiswal AK, Jain M, Behari S, Pandey R.
Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2009;52(3):432-3.
Spinal hydatid disease is an uncommon cause of spinal cord compression and it constitutes 1% of all cases of hydatid disease.
FEMALE Young Adult
Primary spinal extradural hydatid cyst causing paraplegia.
Jaiswal S, Jaiswal AK, Jain M, Behari S, Pandey R.
Indian J Pathol Microbiol. 2009;52(3):432-3.
Spinal hydatid disease is an uncommon cause of spinal cord compression and it constitutes 1% of all cases of hydatid disease.
MALE Adult
Primary spinal hydatid disease.
Turan Suslu H, Cecen A, Karaaslan A, Borekci A, Bozbuga M.
Turk Neurosurg. 2009;19(2):186-8.
Spinal hydatid disease should be considered in the differential diagnosis of spinal cord compression syndrome in endemic countries and evaluated with imaging and serology.
MALE Adult
Hydatid cyst of the craniocervical junction: case report.
Bozbuga M, Celikoglu E, Boran BO.
Neurosurgery. 2005;57(1):E193; discussion E193.
Hydatid disease should be considered in the differential diagnosis of spinal cord compression, especially in endemic areas.
[Primary intradural extramedullary hydatidosis. Case report and review of the literature].
Chakir N, Akhaddar A, El Quessar A, El Ouahabi A, El Hassani MR, El Khamlichi A, Jiddane M.
J Neuroradiol. 2002;29(3):177-82.
Neurological complications were usual with rapid spinal cord compression in this rare form of hydatid disease.
Dumbbell hydatid cyst of the spine: case report and review of the literature.
Hamdan TA, Al-Kaisy MA.
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2000;25(10):1296-9.
Extra spinal hydatidosis may lead to spinal cord compression by extension through the intervertebral foramen.
MRI in primary intraspinal extradural hydatid disease: case report.
Berk C, Ciftci E, Erdogan A.
Neuroradiology. 1998;40(6):390-2.
A rare case of pathologically proven primary intraspinal extradural hydatid disease of the thoracic region with spinal cord compression is reported.
FEMALE Middle Aged
[Pulmonary hydatidosis as a cause of spinal cord compression].
Senar Calderon A, Barriendos Villagrasa J, Sanchez Garcia F, Badorrey Martin MI.
Arch Bronconeumol. 1996;32(2):108-10.
[Pulmonary hydatidosis as a cause of spinal cord compression].
FEMALE Middle Aged
[Pulmonary hydatidosis as a cause of spinal cord compression].
Senar Calderon A, Barriendos Villagrasa J, Sanchez Garcia F, Badorrey Martin MI.
Arch Bronconeumol. 1996;32(2):108-10.
Pulmonary hydatidosis is a rare cause of spinal cord compression.
MALE Middle Aged
[Spinal cord compression disclosing rib hydatidosis].
Ousehal A, Adil A, El Azhari A, Kadiri R.
J Radiol. 1995;76(12):1093-5.
[Spinal cord compression disclosing rib hydatidosis].