Cystic echinococcosis

Hydatidosis or cyst hydatic disease is a cosmopolitan larval cestodosis caused principally by the <i>Echinococcus granulosus</i> tapeworm, the adult form of which parasitises the intestine of dogs. Hydatidosis generally affects large domestic herbivores; humans are dead-end hosts, infected through contact with herding dogs or through ingestion of food contaminated with canine excrement.


A granulomatous inflammation leading to multiple granuloma formation, which is a specific type of inflammation. A granuloma is a focal compact collection of inflammatory cells, mononuclear cells predominating, usually as a result of the persistence of a non-degradable product and of active cell mediated hypersensitivity.

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FEMALE Middle Aged
[Bronchocentric granulomatosis and pulmonary hydatidosis].
Hardisson D, Nistal M, Casillas M.
Arch Bronconeumol. 2002;38(3):150-2.
We report the case of a 46-year-old woman with bronchocentric granulomatosis associated with pulmonary hydatidosis.
FEMALE Middle Aged
[Bronchocentric granulomatosis and pulmonary hydatidosis].
Hardisson D, Nistal M, Casillas M.
Arch Bronconeumol. 2002;38(3):150-2.
[Bronchocentric granulomatosis and pulmonary hydatidosis].
[Mediastinal and pulmonary hydatidosis, bronchocentric granulomatosis and IgA glomerulonephritis].
des Grottes JM, Oana-Cahoolessur M, Neve P, Vanhaeverbeek M.
Acta Clin Belg. 1993;48(5):338-43.
[Mediastinal and pulmonary hydatidosis, bronchocentric granulomatosis and IgA glomerulonephritis].