Cystic echinococcosis

Hydatidosis or cyst hydatic disease is a cosmopolitan larval cestodosis caused principally by the <i>Echinococcus granulosus</i> tapeworm, the adult form of which parasitises the intestine of dogs. Hydatidosis generally affects large domestic herbivores; humans are dead-end hosts, infected through contact with herding dogs or through ingestion of food contaminated with canine excrement.

Pancreatic pseudocyst

Cyst-like space not lined by epithelium and contained within the pancreas. Pancreatic pseudocysts are often associated with pancreatitis.

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MALE Adult
Renal hydatidosis. Discussion of a clinical case complicated by post acute pancreatitic cyst.
Lo Monte A, Maione C, Napoli N, Sardo F, Giammanco M, Maniscalco A, Buscemi G.
Minerva Chir. 1998;53(7-8):659-62.
Since, in our opinion, the pancreatic pseudocyst required surgical removal, we decided to perform the operation there and then; intraoperative examination of the cystic fluid and the presence of daughter cysts confirmed the suspected diagnosis of hydatidosis, of clear renal origin since it was closely attached to the upper pole and continued along the upper calyces renales; the cyst was easily detached from the lower and posterior edge of the liver, and was completely removed, together with its pericystium, which was detached from the lower surface of the liver and from the inferior subhepatic vein; only a tiny disk of pericystium was left in communication with a calyx, sutured to the rest of the kidney.