Williams-Campbell syndrome


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Williams-Campbell syndrome: a case report.
Konoglou M, Porpodis K, Zarogoulidis P, Loridas N, Katsikogiannis N, Mitrakas A, Zervas V, Kontakiotis T, Papakosta D, Boglou P, Bakali S, Courcoutsakis N, Zarogoulidis K.
Int J Gen Med. 2012;5:41-4.
Williams-Campbell syndrome, also known as bronchomalacia, is a rare disorder characterized by a deficiency of cartilage in subsegmental bronchi, leading to distal airway collapse and bronchiectasis.
MALE Child
Left bronchial isomerism associated with bronchomalacia, presenting with intractable wheeze.
Lee P, Bush A, Warner JO.
Thorax. 1991;46(6):459-61.
The cause of the Williams Campbell syndrome (bronchomalacia with bronchiectasis) is controversial.