Patent urachus

Patent urachus is a type of congenital urachal anomaly (see this term) characterized by a persistent communication between the bladder and the umbilicus, secondary to non occlusion of the urachal lumen, manifesting as clear drainage from the umbilicus.


Severe distention of the kidney with dilation of the renal pelvis and calices.

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FEMALE Infant, Newborn
Blepharophimosis, hypoplastic radius, hypoplastic left heart, telecanthus, hydronephrosis, fused metacarpals, and "prehensile" halluces: a new syndrome?
Day-Salvatore D, McLean D.
Am J Med Genet. 1998;80(4):309-13.
The infant had microcephaly, telecanthus, blepharophimosis, cleft palate, micrognathia, abnormally modeled ears, hypoplastic left heart, hypoplastic radii and ulnae with radial subluxation, pseudoarthrotic distal humeri, fused metacarpals, tibial bowing, unusual feet with long halluces, hydronephrosis, patent urachus, abnormal electroencephalogram, and normal karyotype.