Patent urachus

Patent urachus is a type of congenital urachal anomaly (see this term) characterized by a persistent communication between the bladder and the umbilicus, secondary to non occlusion of the urachal lumen, manifesting as clear drainage from the umbilicus.

Urethral obstruction

Obstruction of the flow of urine through the urethra.

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MURCS association: ultrasonographic findings and pathologic correlation.
Fernandez CO, McFarland RD, Timmons C, Ramus R, Twickler DM.
J Ultrasound Med. 1996;15(12):867-70.
MURCS association is a rare, lethal and unusual constellation of nonrandom findings that includes mullerian duct aplasia, renal aplasia, and cervicothoracic somite dysplasia.1-3 It has been described in 30 patients by Duncan and coworkers2 in 1979, in which report the authors proposed an embryologic cause for these defects.3 Antenatal ultrasonographic findings included a massive, cystic umbilical cord related to a patent urachus, enlarged bladder, single small kidney, and suspicion of urethral obstruction in a fetus of female phenotype.