Patent urachus

Patent urachus is a type of congenital urachal anomaly (see this term) characterized by a persistent communication between the bladder and the umbilicus, secondary to non occlusion of the urachal lumen, manifesting as clear drainage from the umbilicus.

Umbilical cord cyst

Any cystic lesion associated with the umbilical cord.

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Presentation of an umbilical cord cyst with a surprising jet: a case report of a patent urachus.
Svigos J, Khurana S, Munt C, Sinhal S, Bernardo J.
F1000Res. 2013;2:38.
Presentation of an umbilical cord cyst with a surprising jet: a case report of a patent urachus.
Megacystis associated with an umbilical cord cyst: a sonographic feature of a patent urachus in the first trimester.
Sepulveda W, Rompel SM, Cafici D, Carstens E, Dezerega V.
J Ultrasound Med. 2010;29(2):295-300.
Megacystis associated with an umbilical cord cyst: a sonographic feature of a patent urachus in the first trimester.