Patent urachus

Patent urachus is a type of congenital urachal anomaly (see this term) characterized by a persistent communication between the bladder and the umbilicus, secondary to non occlusion of the urachal lumen, manifesting as clear drainage from the umbilicus.


Eversion of a hollow organ and exposure, inside out, and protruded through the abdominal wall.

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OTHER Infant, Newborn
[Gollop-Wolfgang complex and cloacal exstrophy, a strange association].
Cruz-Pareja E, Garcia-Santibanez R, Jaramillo Sotomayor C, Carriel Mancilla J, Lopez Moncayo J, Jurado Flores M, Landivar Varas X.
Arch Argent Pediatr. 2010;108(1):e1-4.
During the diagnostic and therapeutic surgery other anomalies were found, such as vesical exstrophy, cecal fistula, uterine duplication, vaginal agenesis, urethral agenesis, ectopic ureters, stenosis of the left ureter, biphid clitoris and patent urachus.