Paroxysmal extreme pain disorder

A rare, genetic, neurological disorder characterized by severe episodic perirectal pain accompanied by skin flushing that is typically precipitated by defecation. Ocular and submaxillary pain, associated with triggers including cold or other irritants, may become more prominent with age.


A spasm (sudden, involuntary constriction) of the bronchioles.

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MALE Infant, Newborn
Familial rectal pain: a familial autonomic disorder as a cause of paroxysmal attacks in the newborn baby.
Bednarek N, Arbues AS, Motte J, Sabouraud P, Plouin P, Morville P.
Epileptic Disord. 2005;7(4):360-2.
A 2-day-old baby exhibited impressive paroxysmal attacks consisting of bradycardia, bronchospasm and vasomotor fits (Harlequin type) related to a rare, dominantly inherited form of dysautonomy called "familial rectal pain".