22q11.2 deletion syndrome

22q11.2 deletion syndrome (DS) is a chromosomal anomaly which causes a congenital malformation disorder whose common features include cardiac defects, palatal anomalies, facial dysmorphism, developmental delay and immune deficiency.


Forceful ejection of the contents of the stomach through the mouth by means of a series of involuntary spasmic contractions.

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Appendicitis Caused by Primary Varicella Zoster Virus Infection in a Child with DiGeorge Syndrome.
Smedegaard LM, Christiansen CB, Melchior LC, Poulsen A.
Case Rep Pediatr. 2017;2017:6708046.
A five-year-old girl diagnosed with DiGeorge syndrome and a prolonged primary VZV infection was admitted due to abdominal pain, increasing diarrhoea, vomiting, and poor general condition.