Microphthalmia, Lenz type

Lenz microphthalmia syndrome is a very rare X-linked inherited form of syndromic microphthalmia (see this term) characterized by unilateral or bilateral microphthalmia (and/or clinical anophthalmia) with or without coloboma in addition to a range of extraocular manifestations such as microcephaly, malformed ears, dental abnormalities (i.e. irregular shape of incisors), skeletal anomalies (duplicated thumbs, syndactyly, clinodactyly, camptodactyly (see these terms)), urogenital anomalies (hypospadias, cryptorchidism, renal dysgenesis, hydroureter) and mild to severe intellectual disability. It is allelic to two disorders: oculofaciocardiodental syndrome and premature aging appearance-developmental delay-cardiac arrhythmia syndrome (see these terms).

Congenital kyphoscoliosis

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Orthopaedic manifestations in a case of Lenz microphthalmia syndrome.
Derman PB, Kulkarni SS, Dormans JP.
J Pediatr Orthop. 2011;31(6):e64-9.
This case report represents the first detailed account of congenital kyphoscoliosis in the Lenz microphthalmia literature.
Orthopaedic manifestations in a case of Lenz microphthalmia syndrome.
Derman PB, Kulkarni SS, Dormans JP.
J Pediatr Orthop. 2011;31(6):e64-9.
Congenital kyphoscoliosis that is prone to reoccurrence after posterior spinal fusion is an unusual entity that may be associated with Lenz microphthalmia.