Cystic fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a genetic disorder characterized by the production of sweat with a high salt content and mucus secretions with an abnormal viscosity.

Retinal vein occlusion

Blockage of the retinal vein.

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Acute retinal vein occlusion and cystic fibrosis.
Starr MR, Norby SM, Scott JP, Bakri SJ.
Int J Retina Vitreous. 2018;4:26.
The ocular manifestations of cystic fibrosis typically present with surface irritation or nyctalopia due to Vitamin A deficiency, however, there have been two previous reports of patients with cystic fibrosis that developed retinal vein occlusions.
Acute retinal vein occlusion and cystic fibrosis.
Starr MR, Norby SM, Scott JP, Bakri SJ.
Int J Retina Vitreous. 2018;4:26.
We present a case of a 35-year-old male with cystic fibrosis complicated by chronic sinusitis with no history of organ transplantation or chronic pulmonary infections who presented with an acute branch retinal vein occlusion in his left eye with associated macular edema.
Acute retinal vein occlusion and cystic fibrosis.
Starr MR, Norby SM, Scott JP, Bakri SJ.
Int J Retina Vitreous. 2018;4:26.
These reports hypothesized that either elevated fibrinogen levels due to chronic infections or elevated homocysteine levels have predisposed patients with cystic fibrosis to develop retinal vein occlusions.
Acute retinal vein occlusion and cystic fibrosis.
Starr MR, Norby SM, Scott JP, Bakri SJ.
Int J Retina Vitreous. 2018;4:26.
The ocular manifestations of cystic fibrosis typically present with surface irritation or nyctalopia due to Vitamin A deficiency, however, there have been two previous reports of patients with cystic fibrosis that developed retinal vein occlusions.
Acute retinal vein occlusion and cystic fibrosis.
Starr MR, Norby SM, Scott JP, Bakri SJ.
Int J Retina Vitreous. 2018;4:26.
Acute retinal vein occlusion and cystic fibrosis.
Acute retinal vein occlusion and cystic fibrosis.
Starr MR, Norby SM, Scott JP, Bakri SJ.
Int J Retina Vitreous. 2018;4:26.
Patients with cystic fibrosis are at an increased risk of developing retinal vein occlusions likely due to a variety of systemic thrombogenic factors rather than a single risk factor which had been reported previously.
MALE Adult
Branch retinal vein occlusion in an asymptomatic adult with cystic fibrosis.
Hiscox RJ, Purslow C, North RV, Ketchell I, Evans KS.
Optom Vis Sci. 2014;91(4 Suppl 1):S52-4.
Branch retinal vein occlusion in an asymptomatic adult with cystic fibrosis.