Diastrophic dwarfism

A rare disorder marked by short stature with short extremities (final adult height is 120cm +/- 10cm), and joint malformations leading to multiple joint contractures (principally involving the shoulders, elbows, interphalangeal joints and hips).

Severe platyspondyly

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Homozygosity for a novel DTDST mutation in a child with a 'broad bone-platyspondylic' variant of diastrophic dysplasia.
Megarbane A, Haddad FA, Haddad-Zebouni S, Achram M, Eich G, Le Merrer M, Superti-Furga A.
Clin Genet. 1999;56(1):71-6.
We report on a girl with clinical features suggesting diastrophic dysplasia but with unusual radiographic features including severe platyspondyly, wide metaphyses, and fibular overgrowth, which are partially reminiscent of metatropic dysplasia.