Infant acute respiratory distress syndrome

Infant acute respiratory distress syndrome is a lung disorder that affects premature infants caused by developmental insufficiency of surfactant production and structural immaturity of the lungs. The symptoms usually appear shortly after birth and may include tachypnea, tachycardia, chest wall retractions (recession), expiratory grunting, nasal flaring and cyanosis during breathing efforts.


The presence of free air in the mediastinum.

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MALE Infant, Newborn
High-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) in the treatment of neonatal respiratory disturbances: case reports of two infants.
Kiszel J, Seri I, Machay T.
Acta Paediatr Hung. 1985;26(3):215-25.
The technique of high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) was successfully used in a preterm infant with severe hyaline membrane disease and in a term neonate presenting with intrauterine pneumonia and associated severe pneumomediastinum.