Polycythemia vera

Polycythemia vera (PV) is an acquired myeloproliferative disorder characterized by an elevated absolute red blood cell mass caused by uncontrolled red blood cell production, frequently associated with uncontrolled white blood cell and platelet production.


Raised, well-circumscribed areas of erythema and edema involving the dermis and epidermis. Urticaria is intensely pruritic, and blanches completely with pressure.

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Cutaneous sarcoidosis and polycythemia vera.
Pascual JC, Belinchon I, Albares P, Vergara G, Betlloch I, Banuls J.
J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2004;18(6):700-1.
Cutaneous symptoms have been reported with polycythemia vera, including facial plethora, aquagenic pruritus, urticaria, purpura, Sweet's syndrome and pyoderma gangrenosum.
[Aquadynia: a role for VIP?].
Misery L, Meyronet D, Pichon M, Brutin JL, Pestre P, Cambazard F.
Ann Dermatol Venereol. 2003;130(2 Pt 1):195-8.
Differential diagnoses of aquadynia are aquagenic pruritus and urticaria, hysteria or simulation, Fabry's disease, erythermalgia, peripheral neuropathy or polycythemia vera.