Polycythemia vera

Polycythemia vera (PV) is an acquired myeloproliferative disorder characterized by an elevated absolute red blood cell mass caused by uncontrolled red blood cell production, frequently associated with uncontrolled white blood cell and platelet production.

Extrahepatic portal hypertension

Increased pressure in the pre-hepatic portal vein.

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FEMALE Middle Aged
[Splenectomy for hemorrhage from esophageal varices with massive thrombosis of the portal bed in the absence of cirrhosis: an intervention to be reevaluated? Reflections on a clinical case].
Contini S, Di Lecce F, Carlo Botta G.
Ann Ital Chir. 1991;62(2):179-82; discussion 182-3.
We present a case with extrahepatic portal hypertension and polycythemia vera who complained acute recurrent variceal bleeding in spite of multiple sclerotherapy sessions, with a massive thrombosis of the portal bed and radicles without any possibility to perform a shunt.