Polycythemia vera

Polycythemia vera (PV) is an acquired myeloproliferative disorder characterized by an elevated absolute red blood cell mass caused by uncontrolled red blood cell production, frequently associated with uncontrolled white blood cell and platelet production.

Cryptococcal meningitis

A type of fungal meningitis caused by an encapsulated yeast that belongs to the genus Cryptococcus. Cryptococcus neoformans and Cryptococcus gattii are responsible for the majority of cases of human cryptococcosis.

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MALE Middle Aged
A case report of disseminated histoplasmosis and concurrent cryptococcal meningitis in a patient treated with ruxolitinib.
Prakash K, Richman D.
BMC Infect Dis. 2019;19(1):287.
We report the case of a 518201year-old veteran from Guam, treated with ruxolitinib for polycythemia vera, who developed disseminated histoplasmosis and concurrent cryptococcal meningitis.